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AronLib.h File Reference

This is AronLib.h. More...

#include <iostream>
#include <sstream>
#include <string>
#include <cmath>
#include <utility>
#include <execinfo.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include "Vector3.h"
#include "DDLinkedList.h"
#include "Const.h"
#include "/Users/aaa/myfile/bitbucket/clib/AronCLibNew.h"
#include <vector>
#include "glm/glm/glm.hpp"
#include <dirent.h>
#include <unistd.h>
#include <limits.h>
#include <regex>
#include <algorithm>
#include <cctype>
#include <locale>
#include <limits>
#include <stdexcept>
#include <array>
#include <boost/filesystem.hpp>

Go to the source code of this file.


class  StopWatch
class  two< T, U >
class  AronGeometry::Point< T >
class  AronGeometry::Pair< T >
class  AronGeometry::Vector< T >
class  AronGeometry::Segment< T >
class  SpaceComplex::Complex
class  MatrixVector::vec
class  MatrixVector::row
class  MatrixVector::mat
class  MatrixVector::mat::Loader
 Inspired from Eigen Lib. More...
class  SpaceVector4::Vector4


namespace  Utility
 many function can be global actually
namespace  Complex
 complex number representation and operation number
namespace  MatrixVector
 Two dimensional array represents matrix, column and row vector.
namespace  SpaceVector4
 4 dimensions vector
namespace  Algorithm
 include all the sorting algorithms etc.


int len (string s)
 length of string
template<typename T >
int len (vector< T > v)
 length of vector
template<typename T >
string toStr (const T &s)
 Convert any type to std::string.
template<typename T >
string toStr2 (T &s)
template<typename T >
string toStrVar (T &s)
template<typename T >
vector< vector< T > > transpose (vector< vector< T > > mat)
 transpose matrix
template<typename T >
bool compareVector (vector< T > v1, vector< T > v2)
template<typename T >
bool compareVector (vector< vector< T > > v1, vector< vector< T > > v2)
template<typename T >
vector< vector< T > > arrToVec2 (T *arr, int len, int width)
void printArr2 (float *arr, int len, int width)
int unsignToInt (size_t u)
string padRight (string s, string pad, int maxLen)
string padLeft (string s, string pad, int maxLen)
template<typename T >
two< T, T > divMod (T a, T b)
void newline ()
void nl ()
int max (int a, int b, int c)
int max (int a, int b, int c, int d)
int max (vector< int > v)
string reverseStr (string s)
int maxConsecutiveOne (vector< int > vec)
int strToInt (string s)
int numFromBase (string fromBase, string input)
vector< int > range (int a, int b)
vector< int > range (int a, int b, int stride)
template<typename T >
vector< T > reverseVec (vector< T > vec)
std::map< char, int > hexMap ()
string baseToBase (string fromBase, string toBase, string input)
uint64_t nowMilliseconds ()
uint64_t nowMicroseconds ()
uint64_t nowNanoseconds ()
template<typename T >
vector< T > repeatVec (int n, T t)
template<typename T >
vector< T > concatVec (vector< T > v1, vector< T > v2)
 Concat two vectors.
vector< int > randomNanoSec (int n, int max)
template<typename T >
dotProduct (vector< T > v1, vector< T > v2)
template<typename T >
det2 (vector< vector< T > > v2)
template<typename T >
vector< T > subtract (vector< T > v1, vector< T > v2)
void testfun ()
void testfun1 ()
void testfun2 ()
void getTypeSize ()
int maxConsecutiveChar (char *arr, int size, char c)
std::map< int, char > hexMapRev ()
vector< int > toBinary (int n)
int abs_int (int a)
float abs_f (float a)
long abs_l (long a)
long long abs_ll (long long a)
double abs_d (double a)
unsigned int abs_ui (unsigned int a)
template<typename T >
void writeFileAppendVector (string fname, std::vector< T > vec)
void writeFile (string fname, string s)
void writeFileAppend (string fname, string s)
template<typename T >
void writeFileVector (string fname, std::vector< T > vec)
template<typename T >
void writeFileAppendRow (string fname, std::vector< T > vec)
 Write vector to file using space as delimiter.
std::pair< string, string > split (string s, int inx)
vector< int > sumVec (vector< int > v1, vector< int > v2)
 sum two int vectors
string removeIndex (string s, int inx)
 remove char from a string
template<typename T >
vector< T > removeIndex (vector< T > &vec, int inx)
 remove an index from a vector
template<typename T >
vector< T > removeIndexRange (vector< T > &vec, int fromInx, int toInx)
 remove index from to index inclusively.
string repeat (int n, string s)
 Repeating n copy of s. The function is inspired by Haskell repeat.
string cStringToString (const char *pt)
 char* to string
template<typename T >
void pl (T t)
void print (glm::vec3 v3)
void print (glm::vec2 v2)
string removeAdjacentDuplicateChar (string s, char c)
 remove adjacent duplicate char from a string
string concatValidPath (vector< string > vec)
 remove adjacent duplicate char from a string
template<typename T >
void print (std::pair< T, T > pair)
template<typename T >
void print (vector< T > vec)
template<typename T >
void printVec (vector< T > vec)
template<typename T >
void print (vector< vector< T > > vec)
template<typename T >
void print (T t)
template<typename T >
void print (string msg, T t)
template<typename T >
void printLnNb (T t)
template<typename T >
vector< T > operator+ (vector< T > v1, vector< T > v2)
 Concate two vectors, both vectors are NOT modified.
string operator+ (const char *chars, string s)
string operator+ (string s, const char *chars)
template<typename T >
vector< T > con (T t, vector< T > v)
void AronPrint::ppf (const char *format,...)
void AronPrint::fw (string s)
template<typename T >
void AronPrint::pp (T t)
template<typename T >
void AronPrint::pp (T t1, T t2)
template<typename T >
void AronPrint::pp (T t1, T t2, T t3)
template<typename T , typename U >
void AronPrint::pp (std::pair< T, U > p)
void AronPrint::pp (int n)
void AronPrint::pp (float n)
void AronPrint::pp (long n)
void AronPrint::pp (unsigned long n)
void AronPrint::pp (string msg0, string msg1)
void AronPrint::pp (string msg0, float num)
void AronPrint::pp (string msg0, int num)
void AronPrint::pp (string msg0, long num)
void AronPrint::pp (string msg0, double num)
void AronPrint::pp (string msg0, char *charPt)
void AronPrint::fl (string s)
template<typename T >
AronLambda::head (vector< T > vec)
char AronLambda::head (string s)
template<typename T >
AronLambda::last (vector< T > vec)
template<typename T >
void swap (vector< T > &vec, int i, int j)
int random (int n)
 random number from 0 to n-1 NOTE: Ubuntu DOES NOT have arc4random_uniform, it works on MacOS only.
template<typename T >
void swap (T arr[], int i, int j)
long lcgRandom (long x0)
 Linear congruential generator.
vector< int > randomIntVec (int count, int max)
vector< int > allPrime (int n)
vector< int > * nPrime (int n)
const char * stringToCString (string s)
 Convert std::string to char*, same as s2c(string s)
const char * s2c (string s)
 Convert std::string to char*.
const char * toCharPtr (string s)
 it is same as s2c but it is better name.
const char * strToCharArray (string s)
template<typename T , typename U >
string toStr (std::pair< T, U > p)
template<typename T , typename U >
string str (std::pair< T, U > p)
template<typename T >
string str (const T &s)
template<typename T >
string str2 (T &s)
string trimLeft (string str)
string trimRight (string str)
string trim (string str)
 trim both ends
string charPtrToString (const char *pt)
string c2s (const char *pt)
 string to char*
bool containStrRegex (string s, regex rx)
 check s contains regex pattern
bool containStr (string str, string pat)
 check if str contain pat
vector< string > splitStr (string s, string delim)
 Split string with delimiter.
template<typename T >
std::pair< vector< T >, vector< T > > splitAt (int n, vector< T > vec)
 split vector to pair of vector
template<typename Fun , typename T >
std::pair< vector< T >, vector< T > > breakVec (Fun f, vector< T > vec)
 break a vector to pair
template<typename T >
vector< T > replaceVec (T oldVal, T newVal, vector< T > vec)
 replace oldVale with newVal in a cloned vector
template<typename T >
vector< T > insertAt (vector< T > vec, int pos, vector< T > insertVec)
 Insert vector @insertVec into vec at position @pos.
vector< std::string > splitStrRegex (const string &s, string rgxStr="\\s+")
 Split string with regex.
bool isEmpty (string s)
bool isEmpty (const char *cpt)
double squareRoot (double a)
double intToDouble (int n)
double nthRoot (double c, int n, double epsilon=0.000001)
 Compute the nth root of any positive integer, n >= 1.
string charArrToString (const char *pt)
string replicate (int n, string s)
template<typename T >
void add (vector< T > &vec, T t)
int compareCString (char *s1, char *s2)
int compareString (string s1, string s2)
bool compareFloat (double a, double b)
void printLn (glm::vec3 v3)
void printLn (glm::vec2 v2)
string toString (glm::vec3 v3)
int inx (int cIx, int rIx, int width)
void tranmat4 (float arr[16])
template<typename T >
bool compareArray (T arr1[], T arr2[], const int s1)
template<typename T >
void print (two< T, T > t)
template<typename T >
void printNb (T t)
 print no bracket
template<typename T >
void printLn (T t)
template<typename T >
void ppL (T t)
void printArr (float arr[10], int n, int nCol)
template<typename T >
vector< T > * moveVec (T a, vector< T > vec)
 use std::move, it acts like Java. Create local object, and return it.
template<typename T >
vector< T > * append (vector< T > vec, T a)
 use std::move, it acts like Java. Create local object, and return it.
int length (string s)
 length of string
template<typename T >
int length (vector< T > v)
 length of vector
template<typename T >
bool binSearch (T key, T arr[], int lo, int hi)
 binary search on a sorted array
template<typename T >
vector< T > operator* (T a, vector< T > vec)
 scalar multiply vector
template<typename T >
vector< T > operator* (vector< T > vec, T a)
 scalar multiply vector
template<typename T >
vector< vector< T > > operator* (T a, vector< vector< T > > vec2)
template<typename T >
vector< vector< T > > operator* (vector< vector< T > > vec2, T a)
vector< int > geneVector (int a, int b)
bool isBST (Node< int > *curr, Node< int > *&prev)
 Check whether a Binary Tree is BST.
template<typename T >
vector< vector< T > > geneMatrix (int ncol, int nrow, T init)
 Generate ncol x nrow matrix with initial value @init.
template<typename T >
void swapT (T array[], int i, int j)
template<typename T >
int partitionT (T array[], int lo, int hi)
 partition array inline
template<typename T >
partition (vector< T > &vec, int lo, int hi)
 partition vector, use [hi] as pivot, like in quicksort
template<typename T >
int partitionInline (vector< T > &vec, int lo, int hi)
 partition vector inline
template<typename T >
void quickSortVec (vector< T > &vec, int lo, int hi)
template<typename T >
void quickSortT (T array[], int lo, int hi)
std::string replace (std::string str, regex rex, std::string rep)
bool isEmptyLine (string s)
string getEnv (string env)
template<typename T >
vector< T > getCol (int ix, vector< vector< T > > v)
template<class T = double>
double AronGeometry::isColinear3 (Point< T > p, Point< T > p1, Point< T > p2)
template<class T = double>
bool AronGeometry::isCrossSegment (Point< T > p0, Point< T > p1)
bool Utility::isSubstring (string sub, string s)
 Check whether sub is the substring of s.
int Utility::substringFirstIndex (string sub, string s)
 find the index of sub in string s
string Utility::fun_parent_parent ()
void Utility::cut (char *pt)
int Utility::stringToInt (string s)
double Utility::stringToDouble (std::string s)
long Utility::stringToLong (std::string s)
float Utility::stringToFloat (std::string s)
string Utility::charToString (char ch)
void Utility::begin ()
void Utility::begin (const char *name)
void Utility::end ()
string Utility::fun_parent ()
void Utility::print (Vector3 v)
void Utility::print (DDLinkedList< Vector3 > *ddl)
Complex SpaceComplex::rectangular (std::pair< double, double > p)
template<typename T >
T ** MatrixVector::allocateTemp (int ncol, int nrow)
 Allocate ncol, nrow two dimension array for any type, return a pointer.
template<typename T >
T ** MatrixVector::allocate (int ncol, int nrow)
 Allocate a matrix: height = ncol, width = nrow.
template<typename T >
T ** MatrixVector::vecVecToArrArr (vector< vector< T > > vv)
 Convert Vector< Vector<T> > to dynamic T**.
template<typename T >
vector< vector< T > > MatrixVector::arrArrToVecVec (T **arr, int ncol, int nrow)
 Convert T** arr to vector<vector<T>> v2.
mat MatrixVector::concat (mat m1, mat m2)
mat MatrixVector::identity (int n)
vec MatrixVector::backwardSubstitute (mat a, vec b)
 Backward Substitute.
mat MatrixVector::ltri (mat m, int index)
 Get the L triangle from a matrix.
std::pair< mat, matMatrixVector::utri (mat m)
 Assume the diagonal entries are not zero, compute the U triangle matrix Lk..(L2 (L1 A))= U TODO: fix the code if a_{ii} = 0.
mat MatrixVector::geneMat (int ncol, int nrow, int init)
mat MatrixVector::geneMatRandom (int ncol, int nrow, int fst, int snd)
 Generate random matrix in interval from fst to snd.
void Algorithm::merge (int *arr, int lo, int mid, int hi)
void Algorithm::mergeSort (int *arr, int lo, int hi)
void Algorithm::swap (int array[], int i, int j)
int Algorithm::partition (int array[], int lo, int hi)
 partition array to to left and right, using [hi] as pivot
void Algorithm::quickSortArr (int array[], int lo, int hi)
void writeFile (string fname, mat &m)
template<class T >
det2 (vector< T > v1, vector< T > v2)
template<class T >
vector< T > crossProduct (vector< T > v1, vector< T > v2)

Detailed Description

This is AronLib.h.

include it in your code: #include "AronLib.h"

g++ -I$HOME/cpplib

Function Documentation

◆ append()

template<typename T >
vector< T > * append ( vector< T >  vec,

use std::move, it acts like Java. Create local object, and return it.

 Better name

◆ binSearch()

template<typename T >
bool binSearch ( key,
int  lo,
int  hi 

binary search on a sorted array

k = 4 1 1 2 2 4 x 2 4 x 4 t

◆ breakVec()

template<typename Fun , typename T >
std::pair< vector< T >, vector< T > > breakVec ( Fun  f,
vector< T >  vec 

break a vector to pair

◆ compareCString()

int compareCString ( char *  s1,
char *  s2 

compare char* char* return n < 0, n == 0, n > 0

◆ compareFloat()

bool compareFloat ( double  a,
double  b 

compare float float

◆ compareString()

int compareString ( string  s1,
string  s2 

compare string string return n < 0, n == 0, n > 0

◆ concatValidPath()

string concatValidPath ( vector< string >  vec)

remove adjacent duplicate char from a string

vec = {"a", "/b", "c"};
concatValidPath(vec) => a/b/c
string concatValidPath(vector< string > vec)
remove adjacent duplicate char from a string
Definition: AronLib.h:2510

LINE: concatValidPath({"a", "b"}) => a/b

vec = {"a", "/b", "c"};
concatValidPath(vec) => a/b/c

LINE: concatValidPath({"a", "b"}) => a/b

◆ containStr()

bool containStr ( string  str,
string  pat 

check if str contain pat

containStr("dog file.x", "file\\.x") => true
match test with string
bool containStr(string str, string pat)
check if str contain pat
Definition: AronLib.h:1599

◆ containStrRegex()

bool containStrRegex ( string  s,
regex  rx 

check s contains regex pattern

#include <regex>
regex rx("[a-z]+");
containStrRegex("dog cat", rx); => true
bool containStrRegex(string s, regex rx)
check s contains regex pattern
Definition: AronLib.h:1584

◆ crossProduct()

template<class T >
vector< T > crossProduct ( vector< T >  v1,
vector< T >  v2 

KEY: cross product of two vectors

Cofactor expension

v1 = x0 y0 z0

v2 = x1 y1 z1

i j k x0 y0 z0 x1 y1 z1

v1 ⨂ v2 = (-1)^1+1 i |y0 z0| |y1 z1| + (-1)^1+2 j |x0 z0| |x1 z1| + (-1)^1+3 k |x0 y0| |x1 y1|

◆ cStringToString()

string cStringToString ( const char *  pt)

char* to string

KEY: char* to string, char array to string, char* to string, char pt to string

KEY: char* to string, char array to string, char* to string, char pt to string

◆ det2() [1/2]

template<class T >
T det2 ( vector< T >  v1,
vector< T >  v2 

KEY: determinant of two by two matrix A = a b <- v1 c d <- v2

det(A) = ad - bc

vector<vector<float>> v2 = {{1, 2}, {3, 4} }; float n = det2(v2); printf("n=%f\n", n);

◆ det2() [2/2]

template<typename T >
T det2 ( vector< vector< T > >  v2)

KEY: determinant of two by two matrix A = a b c d

det(A) = ad - bc

vector<vector<float>> v2 = {{1, 2}, {3, 4} }; float n = det2(v2); printf("n=%f\n", n);

◆ dotProduct()

template<typename T >
T dotProduct ( vector< T >  v1,
vector< T >  v2 

KEY: dot product of two vectors

vector<float> v1 = {1, 2, 3}; vector<float> v2 = {1, 2, 3}; float n = dotProduct(v1, v2); printf("dotProduct=%f\n", n);

◆ geneMatrix()

template<typename T >
vector< vector< T > > geneMatrix ( int  ncol,
int  nrow,

Generate ncol x nrow matrix with initial value @init.

◆ head()

template<typename T >
T AronLambda::head ( vector< T >  vec)

head of vector

◆ hexMap()

std::map< char, int > hexMap ( )

0 -> '0' 1 -> '1' 2 -> '2' 3 -> '3' 4 -> '4' 5 -> '5' 6 -> '6' 7 -> '7' 8 -> '8' 9 -> '9' 10 -> 'a' 11 -> 'b' 12 -> 'c' 13 -> 'd' 14 -> 'e' 15 -> 'f'

◆ insertAt()

template<typename T >
vector< T > insertAt ( vector< T >  vec,
int  pos,
vector< T >  insertVec 

Insert vector @insertVec into vec at position @pos.

The original vector is NOT modified.

insert([1, 2, 3], 1, [11, 22]) => [1, 11, 22, 2, 3]

@v - original vector

@pos - position that new vector will be inserted at

@insertVec - vector will be inserted at position @pos

- return new vector contains @vec and @insertVec

◆ intToDouble()

double intToDouble ( int  n)

int to double

◆ isBST()

bool isBST ( Node< int > *  curr,
Node< int > *&  prev 

Check whether a Binary Tree is BST.

Java can not be done like that because argument can not be passed by reference in Java.

◆ isEmpty() [1/2]

bool isEmpty ( const char *  cpt)

check if a char* is empty

◆ isEmpty() [2/2]

bool isEmpty ( string  s)

check if a string is empty

◆ last()

template<typename T >
T AronLambda::last ( vector< T >  vec)

last of element in a vector if size() > 0, otherwise error

◆ lcgRandom()

long lcgRandom ( long  x0)

Linear congruential generator.

NOTE: Ubuntu DOES NOT have arc4random_uniform, it works on MacOS only. Linear congruential generator

// DO NOT USE arc4random_uniform

◆ maxConsecutiveChar()

int maxConsecutiveChar ( char *  arr,
int  size,
char  c 

KEY: find the maximum length of consecutive characters from a string

◆ maxConsecutiveOne()

int maxConsecutiveOne ( vector< int >  vec)

0 0 1 1 1 0 => 3

0 0 1 1 1 0 1 1 1 1 => 4

◆ moveVec()

template<typename T >
vector< T > * moveVec ( a,
vector< T >  vec 

use std::move, it acts like Java. Create local object, and return it.

◆ nowMicroseconds()

uint64_t nowMicroseconds ( )

uint64_t t = nowMicroseconds(); cout<<"nowMilliseconds second t="<<t<<endl;

◆ nowMilliseconds()

uint64_t nowMilliseconds ( )

uint64_t t = nowMilliseconds(); cout<<"nowMillionseconds second t="<<t<<endl;

◆ nowNanoseconds()

uint64_t nowNanoseconds ( )

uint64_t t = nowNanoseconds(); cout<<"nowNanoseconds second t="<<t<<endl;

◆ nthRoot()

double nthRoot ( double  c,
int  n,
double  epsilon = 0.000001 

Compute the nth root of any positive integer, n >= 1.

TODO: negative number?

◆ operator*() [1/2]

template<typename T >
vector< T > operator* ( a,
vector< T >  vec 

scalar multiply vector

  • c * vec

◆ operator*() [2/2]

template<typename T >
vector< T > operator* ( vector< T >  vec,

scalar multiply vector

  • vec * c

◆ operator+()

template<typename T >
vector< T > operator+ ( vector< T >  v1,
vector< T >  v2 

Concate two vectors, both vectors are NOT modified.

◆ partition()

template<typename T >
T partition ( vector< T > &  vec,
int  lo,
int  hi 

partition vector, use [hi] as pivot, like in quicksort

Partition with a tmp vector

◆ partitionInline()

template<typename T >
int partitionInline ( vector< T > &  vec,
int  lo,
int  hi 

partition vector inline

Use the inline partition, the space complexity can be O(1), like heap sort.

Partition a vector without a tmp vector

◆ partitionT()

template<typename T >
int partitionT ( array[],
int  lo,
int  hi 

partition array inline

partition array with a [hi] = pivot

◆ quickSortT()

template<typename T >
void quickSortT ( array[],
int  lo,
int  hi 

KEY: quick sort in an array

◆ random()

int random ( int  n)

random number from 0 to n-1 NOTE: Ubuntu DOES NOT have arc4random_uniform, it works on MacOS only.


◆ randomNanoSec()

vector< int > randomNanoSec ( int  n,
int  max 

Simple random number generate based on current nanosecond time

◆ rectangular()

Complex SpaceComplex::rectangular ( std::pair< double, double >  p)

TODO: add test cases

◆ removeAdjacentDuplicateChar()

string removeAdjacentDuplicateChar ( string  s,
char  c 

remove adjacent duplicate char from a string

"bbc" b => bc
"bcb" b => abcb

LINE: removeAdjacentDuplicateChar("abb", 'b') => ab

"bbc" b => bc
"bcb" b => abcb

LINE: removeAdjacentDuplicateChar("abb", 'b') => ab

◆ removeIndex() [1/2]

string removeIndex ( string  s,
int  inx 

remove char from a string

remove [inx] char from a string removeIndex("cat", 1) => "ct"

◆ removeIndex() [2/2]

template<typename T >
vector< T > removeIndex ( vector< T > &  vec,
int  inx 

remove an index from a vector

◆ removeIndexRange()

template<typename T >
vector< T > removeIndexRange ( vector< T > &  vec,
int  fromInx,
int  toInx 

remove index from to index inclusively.

  • from index from hight index to low index, otherwise there is error.
for(int i=toInx; i >= fromInx; i--){
ret.erase(ret.begin() + i);

◆ repeat()

string repeat ( int  n,
string  s 

Repeating n copy of s. The function is inspired by Haskell repeat.

◆ replaceVec()

template<typename T >
vector< T > replaceVec ( oldVal,
vector< T >  vec 

replace oldVale with newVal in a cloned vector

vec is NOT modified

◆ reverseVec()

template<typename T >
vector< T > reverseVec ( vector< T >  vec)

KEY: reverse vector

vector<T> v(vec); std::reverse(v.begin(), v.end());

◆ splitAt()

template<typename T >
std::pair< vector< T >, vector< T > > splitAt ( int  n,
vector< T >  vec 

split vector to pair of vector

vector<int> vec = {1, 2, 3, 4}; splitAt(2, vec) => left side is 2 elements

splitAt(n, vec) => take(2, vec), drop(2, vec)

first = {1, 2} second = {2, 3, 4}

◆ splitStr()

vector< string > splitStr ( string  s,
string  delim 

Split string with delimiter.

@s - input string @delim - delimiter

- vector contains all the strings
vector<string> vec = splitStr("a b c ", " ");
=> [a][b][c][]
vector< string > splitStr(string s, string delim)
Split string with delimiter.
Definition: AronLib.h:1619

◆ splitStrRegex()

vector< std::string > splitStrRegex ( const string &  s,
string  rgxStr = "\\s+" 

Split string with regex.

@s - input string

@rgxStr - string passed into regex

- vector contains all the strings

The -1 is the key here: when the iterator is constructed the iterator points at the text that precedes that match and after each increment the iterator points at the text that followed the previous match.

◆ squareRoot()

double squareRoot ( double  a)

Newton' method to find the square root of any positive float point number.

◆ stringToCString()

const char * stringToCString ( string  s)

Convert std::string to char*, same as s2c(string s)

KEY: string to char*

◆ subtract()

template<typename T >
vector< T > subtract ( vector< T >  v1,
vector< T >  v2 

subtract two vectors

◆ sumVec()

vector< int > sumVec ( vector< int >  v1,
vector< int >  v2 

sum two int vectors


vector<int> v1 = {9, 2}; vector<int> v2 = {9, 4, 5}; vector<int> v3 = sumVec(v1, v2);

[9][2] [9][4][5] [1][0][3][7]

◆ toBinary()

vector< int > toBinary ( int  n)

int to binary

◆ toCharPtr()

const char * toCharPtr ( string  s)

it is same as s2c but it is better name.

KEY: string to char*, string to char array

◆ toStr()

template<typename T >
string toStr ( const T &  s)

Convert any type to std::string.

T must be overrided <<

◆ tranmat4()

void tranmat4 ( float  arr[16])

KEY: transpose float arr[16]

float arr[] = { 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16 };

fl(); printArray2df(4, 4, arr);

tranmat4(arr); fl("tran"); printArray2df(4, 4, arr);

◆ transpose()

template<typename T >
vector< vector< T > > transpose ( vector< vector< T > >  mat)

transpose matrix

{1, 2, 3},
{4, 5, 6},
{7, 8, 9}
{1, 4, 7},
{2, 5, 8},
{3, 6, 9}

\[ \begin{bmatrix} 1 & 2 & 3 \\ 4 & 5 & 6 \\ 7 & 8 & 9 \end{bmatrix} \rightarrow \begin{bmatrix} 1 & 4 & 7 \\ 2 & 5 & 8 \\ 3 & 6 & 9 \end{bmatrix} \]

◆ trim()

string trim ( string  str)

trim both ends

trim(" a b c ") => "a b c"
string trim(string str)
trim both ends
Definition: AronLib.h:1547

◆ writeFileAppendRow()

template<typename T >
void writeFileAppendRow ( string  fname,
std::vector< T >  vec 

Write vector to file using space as delimiter.