How to write multiple lines function in GHCi in Haskell
:set +m
let's define a function called f(x) = x + 1 in multiple lines mode

>:set +m
>f x = x + 1 
>       -- the newline will end defintion of function f
>f 1

Apparently, there is some bug/issue in GHCi 7.10.3 for multiple line mode, e.g.
ff::Int -> Int
ff x = x + 1
ff 1, parse error on input ‘=’

GHCi 7.10.3 does not recognize 'prompt2' any more.
GHCi 8.4.3 use prompt-cont (stand for: prompt continuation)

Download the Haskell Framework (GHC and GHCi 8.4.3) and install it, 
above error has not gone away
The problem is the last line need to be EMPTY line. 
ff::Int -> Int
ff x = x + 1
        <-- empty line here