Matrix Multiply in Java
1. Matrix multiplication with Outer Product
            // Better way to multiply matrix, mul matrix, mult matrix
            public static int[][] multiply2(int[][] arr1, int[][] arr2) {
                int[][] arr3 = null;
                if( arr1 != null && arr2 != null) {
                    int height = arr1.length;
                    int width = arr1[0].length;
                    int len = height;
                    arr3 = new int[height][height];
                    for(int k = 0; k < len; k++) {
                        for(int i = 0; i < height; i++) {
                            for(int j = 0; j < width; j++) {
                                arr3[i][j] += arr1[i][k]*arr2[k][j];
                return arr3;
Source Code

\begin{equation} \begin{aligned} A &= \begin{bmatrix} 1 & 2\\ 3 & 4 \end{bmatrix} \quad B = \begin{bmatrix} 2 & 3\\ 4 & 5 \end{bmatrix} \\ &\text{We abuse the inner product notation here:} \\ &\left< u^{\ast} \,, v^{\ast} \right> \quad \text{ is not a inner product } \\ \mathbf{A}\mathbf{B} &= \sum_{k=0}^{2} \left< u^{\ast} \,, v^{\ast} \right> \\ &= \left< \left[ \begin{array}{cc} 1 \\ 3 \end{array} \right]^{\ast} \,, \left[ \begin{array}{cc} 2 \\ 3 \end{array} \right]^{\ast} \right> + \left< \left[ \begin{array}{cc} 2 \\ 4 \end{array} \right]^{\ast} \,, \left[ \begin{array}{cc} 4 \\ 5 \end{array} \right]^{\ast} \right> \\ &= \left[ \begin{array}{c} 1 \\ 3 \end{array} \right] \otimes \left[ \begin{array}{cc} 2 & 3 \end{array} \right] + \left[ \begin{array}{c} 2 \\ 4 \end{array} \right] \otimes \left[ \begin{array}{cc} 4 & 5 \end{array} \right] \\ &= \begin{bmatrix} 2 & 3\\ 6 & 9 \end{bmatrix} + \begin{bmatrix} 8 & 10\\ 16 & 20 \end{bmatrix} \\ &= \begin{bmatrix} 10 & 13\\ 22 & 29 \end{bmatrix} \end{aligned} \end{equation}