#+HTML_HEAD: *** What is Agda?

Table of Contents

  1. Agda is dependent type language.
  2. You can use almost any unicode as operator.
  3. Agda is similar to Haskell, but it is fully dependent type.
  4. If you know a bit of Haskell, then it is easy to get start.

1 The Con of Agda.

  1. It is painful to install.
  2. You need Emacs to input those unicode characters.
  3. You never expect write Agda code on your day job.
  4. Agda is painfully slow.

2 The Pro of Agda.

  1. You learn some the most fundamental stuff from Agda, e.g define your own Nature number
  2. You can use lots of unicode characters in your code, make your code looks pretty.

3 Define your own Nature number

  1. Space between operator and operands in Agda

    3::[] -- wrong
    3 :: [] -- right
  2. Nature number can be defined as 0, (0 + 1), (0 + 1 + 1), ⋯ etc. ∀ a ∈ ℕ ∣ suc a ∈ ℕ
  3. We can use Peano numbers to represent Nature number. Peano numbers need only a zero and a successor function to represent it. In Haskell, we can define as following.

    data Nat = Zero | Suc Nat
      add Zero b = b
      add (Suc a) b = Suc (add a b)
  4. In Agda

    data Nat : Set where
      zero : Nat
      suc : Nat → Nat
      add Nat → Nat → Nat
      add zero b = b
      add (suc a) b = suc (add a  b)
      -- operator
      _+_ : Nat → Nat
      zero + zero = zero
      zero + b = b
      (suc a) + b = suc (a + b)
  5. Define a list in Haskell

    data List a = Nil | Cons a (List a)
    • List = [] is type constructor with kind * -> kind *
    • List a = [a] ~ is type with ~kind *
    • Nil = [] is value with polymorphic types List a and [a] respectively
    • Cons = : is value constructor with kind * -> kind *
  6. Define a list in Agda

    data List (A : Set) : Set where
    [] : A
    _::_ : A → List A → List A
  7. What does it mean for above the code?
    • Set is type of type in Agda
    • A : Set, it means A ∈ Set or A is type of Set
    • List (A : Set) : Set, it means type constructor List needs type A is also a Set
    • _::_, it means append a element A to a List A and return a List A
  8. Let see how to define Maybe in Agda, first, we review Haskell Maybe

    data Maybe a = Nothing | Just a
    • Maybe is just type constructor with ~kind * -> kind * ~
    • Noting is value constructor with type ~kind * ~
    • Just a is value constructor with type ~kind * -> kind * ~
    • Maybe a is type with kind *
  9. Maybe in Agda

    data Maybe (A : Set) : Set where
      nothing : Maybe A
      just : A -> Maybe A
    • Maybe is just type constructor with Set -> Maybe Set
  10. head function in Haskell

    head::[a] -> Maybe a
    head [] = Nothing
    head x:cs = Just x
  11. head function in Agda

    head : {A : Set} -> List A -> Maybe A
    head [] = nothing
    head (x :: cs) = just x
  12. length function in Agda

    length : {A : Set} -> List A -> ℕ
    length [] = zero
    length (x :: cs) = suc (length cs)
  13. map function in Agda

    map {A B : Set} -> (A -> B) -> List A -> List B
    map f [] = []
    map f (x :: cs) = f x :: map f cs
  14. Concate String in Agda

    • It is from standard library
    "dog" ++ "cat"
  15. Convert number to String

    show 2
  16. Write String to file

    -- write Integer to file
    writeFile "/tmp/f.x"  (show 2)
    -- write string to file
    writeFile "/tmp/f.x" "dog"

Author: aaa

Created: 2021-09-22 Wed 17:21
