Word Search in a grid
Given m x n matrix which contains all letters and a list of words
Find all the words in the grid,
A word in a grid can be adjacent cell horizontally or vertically
From above grid, word can be found: chin, chino
If chino is in a given dictionary, then the reverse of chino is also can be found in the grid
Word |
Reverse word |
chin |
reverse of chin |
chino |
reverse of chino |
// For h, w location
public static void wordSearch(char[][] arr, int h, int w, String s, Set set, Set dict){
int height = arr.length;
int width = arr[0].length;
char c = arr[h][w];
if(c != '0'){
arr[h][w] = '0';
String ss = s + (c + "");
if(h + 1 < height){
wordSearch(arr, h + 1, w, ss, set, dict);
if(h - 1 >= 0){
wordSearch(arr, h - 1, w, ss, set, dict);
if(w - 1 >= 0){
wordSearch(arr, h, w - 1, ss, set, dict);
if(w + 1 < width){
wordSearch(arr, h, w + 1, ss, set, dict);
arr[h][w] = c;
// For height x width all elements
public static Set wordSearchAll(char[][] arr, Set dict){
int height = arr.length;
int width = arr[0].length;
String ss = "";
Set set = new HashSet<>();
// char[][] arr = {
// {'a', 'b', 'c'},
// {'b', 'k', 'c'},
// {'c', 'e', 'c'}
// };
for(int h = 0; h < height; h++){
for(int w = 0; w < width; w++){
wordSearch(arr, h, w, ss, set, dict);
return set;
How the problem is related to Connected Island problem
The two problems are almost same. Essentially, they are both graph problems.
Given a graph, find all the paths from a given node
Find all paths from a root in a given Binary Tree
public static void printAllPath(Node r, List ls){
if(r != null){
if(r.left == null && r.right == null){
printList(append(ls, r.data));
printAllPath(r.left, append(ls, r.data));
printAllPath(r.right, append(ls, r.data));