* tokenize xml file like format.
* read character one by one and feed it to state machine.
* if token is found, add to a list. Otherwise terminate
* the process and return null.
* for example, <name>david</name> => [<name>, david, </name>]
* @param strChar xxx
* @return list of tokens if all tokens are valid, otherwise return null
public static List<String> tokenize(String strChar){
List<String> list = new ArrayList<String>();
int state = 0;
int curr = state;
String str = "";
boolean isValid = true;
for(int i=0; i<strChar.length() && isValid; i++){
if(curr == 0){
if(str.length() > 0){
str = "";
if(strChar.charAt(i) == '<'){
str += strChar.charAt(i);
curr = 1;
}else if('a' <= strChar.charAt(i) && strChar.charAt(i) <= 'z'){
str += strChar.charAt(i);
curr = 2;
if(i + 1 < strChar.length() && lookAhead(strChar, i) == '<'){
curr = 0;
isValid = false;
}else if(curr == 2){
if('a' <= strChar.charAt(i) && strChar.charAt(i) <= 'z'){
str += strChar.charAt(i);
curr = 2;
if(i + 1 < strChar.length() && lookAhead(strChar, i) == '<'){
curr = 0;
isValid = false;
}else if(curr == 1){
if('a' <= strChar.charAt(i) && strChar.charAt(i) <= 'z'){
str += strChar.charAt(i);
curr = 3;
else if(strChar.charAt(i) == '/'){
str += strChar.charAt(i);
curr = 4;
isValid = false;
}else if(curr == 3){
if(strChar.charAt(i) == '>'){
str += strChar.charAt(i);
curr = 5; // final
curr = 0;
}else if('a' <= strChar.charAt(i) && strChar.charAt(i) <= 'z'){
str += strChar.charAt(i);
curr = 3;
isValid = false;
}else if(curr == 4){
if('a' <= strChar.charAt(i) && strChar.charAt(i) <= 'z'){
str += strChar.charAt(i);
curr = 7;
isValid = false;
}else if(curr == 7){
if('a' <= strChar.charAt(i) && strChar.charAt(i) <= 'z'){
str += strChar.charAt(i);
}else if(strChar.charAt(i) == '>'){
str += strChar.charAt(i);
curr = 8; // final
str = "";
curr = 0;
isValid = false;
if(curr == 2){
if(str.length() > 0){
str = "";
return isValid ? list : null;