J is very crazy programming language, it can solve many problems in one liner.
Also, it is one of the hardest language to read.
Here are good thing about J
J is very easy to install.
J has package manager and you can just one click to install package.
J is very fast language matrix computation and statistic.
J is array language, so list and matrix are very common
Here are the code for J and other languages for doing the same thing.
c =. 3 NB. c is local variable
c =: 3 NB. c is global variable
!3 NB. 3 factorial
-- Haskell
fac n | n == 0 = 1
| n > 0 = n * (fac (n-1))
l =. i. 2 NB. create a list = [0, 1, 2]
l = [0..2] NB. Haskell
{. list NB. head list
}. list NB. tail list
l =. i:2 NB. list = [-2, -1, 0, 1, 2]
l = [-2..2]
APL Symbols
APL symbols is used by the computer language called APL.
Here's a complete list of APL symbols in Unicode.