Haskell Functor laws for Maybe
data Mabye a = Nothing | Just a

class Functor f where
    fmap::(a -> b) -> f a -> f b

-- fmap f box -> box

instance of Functor need to satisfy two laws.

instance Functor Maybe where
    fmap f Nothing = Nothing -- f is function, it is NOT a functor
    fmap f (Just a) = Just (f a)

-- Show Functor Maybe satisfies the two laws:
fmap id = id
fmap (f . g) = (fmap f) . (fmap g)  

fmap id Nothing = Nothing -- by defintion
id Nothing = Nothing      -- by definition of identity function

=> fmap id Nothing = id Nothing  (1) 

fmap id (Just a) = Just a  -- by defintion of fmap
id (Just a)      = Just a  -- by defintion of identity function

fmap id (Just a) = id (Just a) = Just a
=> fmap id (Just a) = id (Just a) (2)

(1)(2) => fmap id = id    [1]

fmap (f . g) (Just a) = Just ((f . g) a)   -- by defintion of fmap
                      = Just (f(g a))      -- by function composition
((fmap f) . (fmap g)) (Just a) = (fmap f) ( fmap g (Just a))                       
                               = (fmap f) (Just (g a)) -- defintion of fmap
                               = Just f(g a) -- defintion of fmap

=> fmap (f . g) (Just a) = (fmap f) . (fmap g) (Just a)  [2]

[1],[2] => Maybe is a Functor

Prove MyMaybe is NOT a Functor
data MyMaybe a = MyNothing | MyJust Int a deriving (Show)

instance Functor MyMaybe where
    fmap f MyNothing = MyNothing
    fmap f (MyJust c a) = (MyJust (c + 1) (f a)

print $ MyNothing -- MyNothing
print $ fmap (+1) (MyJust 0 2) -- MyJust 1 3
print $ fmap id (MyJust 0 2)   -- MyJust 1 2
print $ id (MyJust 0 2)        -- MyJust 0 2

-- we have
fmap id (MyJust 0 2)  /= id (MyJust 0 2)
=> fmap id /= id
-- Functor has to satisfy two laws: 
fmap id = id                        [1]
fmap (f . g) = (fmap f) . (fmap g)  [2]

=> MyMaybe breaks the first law [1]
=> MyMaybe is NOT a Functor