Haskell Netwire
What does the package do
Where is the example for the Netwire
Netwire Package but the author will deprecate the package
Minimal Example
  liftIO :: (MonadIO m) => IO a -> m a
{-# LANGUAGE RankNTypes #-}

import Prelude hiding ((.)) -- To use (.) in the scope of Categories instead
import Control.Wire
import FRP.Netwire
import Control.Monad.IO.Class
import System.IO

testWireX ::
    (MonadIO m, Show b, Show e)
    => Session m s
    -> (forall a. Wire s e Identity a b)
    -> m c
testWireX s0 w0 = loop s0 w0
    loop s' w' = do
        (ds, s) <- stepSession s'
        let Identity (mx, w) = stepWire w' ds (Right ())
        liftIO $ do
            putChar '\r'
            putStr $ show mx
            putStr "--"
            putStr (either (\ex -> "I: " ++ show ex) show mx)
            putStr "\027[K"
            hFlush stdout
        loop s w

testMe::(MonadIO m, Show b, Show e)
        => Session m s
        -> (forall a. Wire s e Identity a b)
        -> m ()
testMe s0 w0 = do
                 (ds, s) <- stepSession s0
                 let Identity (mx, w) = stepWire w0 ds (Right ())
                 liftIO $ do
                   putChar '\r'
                   putStr $ "mx=" ++ show mx
                   hFlush stdout
speed :: Float
speed = 0.5

-- We're changing the e value to () because it has a Show instance
pos :: (HasTime t s, Monad m) => Wire s () m a Float
pos = integral 0 . pure speed

-- The main function
main :: IO ()
main = testWireX clockSession_ pos